Here you will find useful articles with the most important news we have to share, our best tips and advice, as well as everything else we've got on our mind.
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For Vestenfjeldske Eiendom, tenant satisfaction and experiences are a key part of creating attractive properties. Learn how all communications, from benefit agreements to updates, are brought together in one tenant portal.
Ragde Eiendom har styrket sin posisjon som en innovativ og fremtidsrettet aktør i eiendomsbransjen ved å integrere hele sin portefølje på ca. 300 eiendommer og 1800 leietakere i Propelys plattform.
Arkwright X, Skagerak Capital and the Spacemaker founders become new co-owners of Propely. This change represents a strategic strengthening of Propely's position and direction, providing access to valuable expertise and networks in its efforts to become a market leader.
Propely, Fazile and BIM2Share unite technical operations, contract management and BIM technology in one comprehensive solution for smarter property operations. The collaboration provides property managers with better visibility, increased efficiency and the ability to link work processes directly to up-to-date and visual data.
At the heart of Sørlie Næringseiendom's environmental strategy is working with existing buildings, where they use Propely as a tool for documentation and reporting to BREEAM In-Use.
Propely's co-founders are talking about their ambitions. Now it is both the private and public commercial real estate market that applies. Read Finansavisen's article.
A new milestone for Propely! The Proptech company has secured its first contract with a public customer. Propely's platform enables public customers to adopt solutions tailored to the current needs of property management.
After Glitner Eiendom gained access to Propely, it wasn't long before they had explored the entire platform. Check out their tips for an effective startup and how the proper use of Propely can bring significant benefits to property management.
Good communication is crucial to creating solid and long-lasting tenancies. This has improved Kongsgaten 10's tenant satisfaction and contributed to a more efficient and profitable operation.
With the help of Propely, the facility management team has reduced costs, increased safety and improved visibility of all maintenance tasks. They have achieved a more structured and targeted operation, while at the same time, they have managed to document the work directly given to the board.
Andresen Eiendomsdrift desired system, structure and routines — through the implementation of Propely they have improved their own operations and documentation process. By bringing everything together on one platform, they have increased both efficiency and control.
In episode #101 of the Norwegian Practical Proptech podcast, hosted by Martin McGloin and Tommy Hagenes, we were invited to chat about Propely's history, growth ambitions and the latest trends in the management industry.
Now we launch Propely AI - is a tool in demand from our customers. Now you can easily streamline information retrieval from service agreements and reports. Read about how this technology works and why you should use it.
Learn how the development of AI is shaping the facility management industry and how this technology can be used to achieve efficiency, cost savings and an overall improved workday.
Propely has announced a partnership with AKA. The aim is to strengthen AKA's management across the organisation by using Propely's platform for 300 commercial properties in Norway and Denmark.
Propely wants to shape tomorrow's digital property management. In a short period of time, they have gained a solid foothold in the Norwegian real estate market with over 150 clients and 4000 properties in the portfolio, and more than doubled last year's ongoing licensing revenue.
In recent months, Propely has strengthened the team to ensure further growth and development. Together, they will ensure that both exciting and new customers get the maximum benefit from the platform.
SEFF Holding is a real estate company that owns, develops and manages residential and commercial property. After using Propely, they have had a more efficient operation and better follow-up of cases.
Oxer Eiendom er en av Oslos største aktører innen eiendomsforvaltning - og utvikling av næringseiendom, og selskapet sitter i dag på omtrent 260 tusen kvm bolig og næring fra Oslo Nord, via Asker til Drammen.
Se nærmere på hva fordelene med et FDV- system er gjennom ulike faser av et byggs livssyklus, og om hvorvidt fordelene gjelder for forvaltere av alle størrelser.
Alta er Finnmarks største by, idyllisk plassert i naturskjønne omgivelser langt over polarsirkelen. Byen refereres ofte til som Nordlysbyen, og dette var Jonas Haugens inspirasjon da han stiftet Nordlysbyen Eiendom AS i 2017.
EiNord holder til i vakre Svolvær i Lofoten. Selskapet ble stiftet i 2017, da mannen bak Bil i Nord, Thor Drechsler, ønsket å skille eiendomsvirksomhet fra bil.
I denne artikkelen skal vi se nærmere på hvordan man kan oppnå en mer proaktiv tilnærming til drift, med mål om mer effektiv forvaltning og fornøyde leietakere.
Ved å bruke minst mulig tid og ressurser på å sørge for fornøyde leietakere har man kanskje muligheten til å spare noen kroner på kort sikt, men det er samtidig viktig å tenkte på konsekvensene dette kan ha på lengre sikt.
I denne artikkelen kommer vi til å forsøke å gi svar på hva som skal til for å kalle et FDV-system moderne, sett fra en 20-årings perspektiv. Må det være en app, ha et fancy design og bruke emojis?
I denne artikkelen fokuserer vi derfor på noen utvalgte norske proptech-selskaper som tilbyr produkter eller tjenester som har stor nytte i disse korona-dager, men som fortsatt forblir like nyttige når hverdagen nærmer seg normale tilstander.
I denne artikkelen skal vi gå dypere inn på hva PropTech faktisk er, samt se på noen utvalgte selskaper og hvordan teknologien deres kan benyttes for å forbedre eiendomsbransjen.