What does the development of AI mean for facility managers?

Learn how the development of AI is shaping the facility management industry and how this technology can be used to achieve efficiency, cost savings and an overall improved workday.
Published on
April 23, 2024

What is AI and what does it mean for you as a facility manager?

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) in recent years has contributed to increased attention to the potential of this innovative technology. It doesn't take more than a quick google search before it becomes clear that AI is on everyone's lips, whether it's big international companies or small start-ups. Even leading tech companies are now actively encouraging to explore and test out the technology.

In an interview with Shifter, CEO of Nvidia, Jensen Huang, said: “People say they thought the world was moving so fast. But on board on the [AI] train, it's not experienced like that. Get on the train!”(Shifter, 2024)

Artificial intelligence (AI)

Artificial intelligence (AI) has quickly become a central topic in the technology world. This cutting-edge technology simulates human intelligence by performing tasks that typically require human effort. AI is able to analyze large amounts of data, draw conclusions, predict trends, and even learn from its own experiences. Technology has the potential to transform businesses by automating processes, improving decision-making and creating new opportunities.

More and more companies are looking for new uses for the technology that can contribute to efficiency and increased value creation. According to NHO, 1 in 4 Norwegian companies use AI today, and its use is increasing (NHO, 2024).

Ways AI can be used in the facility management industry

- Workflow automation: AI can automate routine tasks such as administration, billing and maintenance. This frees up time for facility managers to focus on more strategic tasks.

- Predictive maintenance: By analyzing data from sensors and historical maintenance logs, AI can predict when equipment or building parts need maintenance. This reduces unexpected interruptions and extends the life of property assets, while also reducing unnecessary and costly service visits.

- Energy Optimization: AI can optimize energy consumption in buildings by adjusting heating, cooling and lighting based on real-time data and weather forecasts.  

- Tenant analysis: AI can analyze tenant data to better understand their needs. This helps facility managers provide bespoke services and improve the tenant experience.

“A wave of AI will hit the real estate industry”

The use of AI in property and facility management allows for streamlining, cost savings and better services for both facility managers and tenants. Two Norwegian proptech companies that have been early in applying AI to issues in the real estate industry are Findable and Consigli.

Findable offers an AI-powered document platform that automatically sorts building documentation. With the help of this technology, facility managers can maintain full overview and control over all legally required documentation at all times. Proper access to the documentation is essential for efficient maintenance, and according to Findable, lack of access can cost up to NOK 20 per m2 a year (Findable, 2024). This sorting makes it easy to have the necessary documentation available for certifications, supervision, and DD processes.

Consigli combines AI and mathematical optimization to streamline engineering and tendering processes in the construction and real estate industries. For example, by optimizing HVAC systems with AI, the number of components and horizontal guides can be reduced by up to 20%, while language models can be used to identify risk factors in tender processes. This results in reduced risk, cost and environmental impact in the projects (NHO, 2023).

Norwegian proptech experts Tommy Hagenes and Martin McGloin believe we have only seen the beginning of the use and development of AI in the real estate industry. In a press release, they predict that a wave of artificial intelligence will hit the real estate industry in the next few years (Estate, 2024)

Read the article about Propely AI - our new tool to streamline information retrieval from service agreements and reports.

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Sources (NO)

Estate. (2024, April 10). Kunstigintelligens kommer som en flom over eiendomsbransjen. Hentet fra Estate Nyheter: https://www.estatenyheter.no/pluss/kunstig-intelligens-kommer-som-en-flom-over-eiendomsbransjen/409132

​Findable. (2024). Hentet fra Findable.ai: https://www.findable.ai/

​NHO. (2023). Consigli optimaliserer prosjektering og anbudsprosesser med AI. Hentet fra NHO: https://www.nho.no/tema/digitalisering/bedriftscaser/consigli/

​NHO. (2024, Januar 4). Kunstig intelligens iNorge - nytte, muligheter ogbarrierer. Hentet fra NHO: https://www.nho.no/tema/digitalisering/Kunstig_intelligens_i_Norge_Rapportsammendrag_SOA2023/#part5

Shifter. (2024, April 17). Nvidia-sjefen i møte med norske tech-startups i San Francisco: – Kom dere på AI-toget! Hentet fra Shifter.no: https://www.shifter.no/nyheter/nvidia-sjefen-i-mote-med-norske-tech-startups-i-san-francisco-kom-dere-pa-ai-toget/322438